Words With Friends Dictionary

Words With Friends Dictionary

Words With Friends uses a completely different dictionary than most other word games. One of the reasons may be copyright issues. Or, maybe the developers of the game may have wanted to differentiate themselves from all the other word games that seem to be appearing as an online application over night. Words With Friends uses the word list from the ENABLE dictionary, which is short for Enhanced North American Benchmark Lexicon. When you try searching for ENABLE online you can probably find it easy to obtain for reference, however, you probably will not find a lot of detailed information, if any information, about what it really is or where it actually was derived from. There is next to nothing about it in Wikipedia or anywhere else online for that matter. The information that is available online about ENABLE is that it was released in the fall of 1997 into the public domain by its compiler, Alan Beale. It was then updated as a “millennium edition” in April of 2000. Of course, updates to dictionaries and word lists are becoming an ordinary occurrence since our language is constantly changing on a yearly basis.

Your Rack :
(Use ?s for Blank Tiles.)

Prefix :       or and      Suffix :

or Anywhere :

The Words With Friends cheat finds the best words possible whenever you enter your letters into the search box. The ENABLE word list is used to determine your word list results. According to online sources, this dictionary word list has not been compromised by being limited to words under a certain length. Although there are many words that have 16 letters or more in the ENABLE word list, you will not be able to utilize these words since they do not even fit on a Words With Friends game board; they are unplayable words. Apparently, the words in this list have been thoroughly researched and thus has become a standard point of reference for several types of word games, including of course, Words With Friends. Originally, the Words With Friends ENABLE dictionary did not include the words za and qi, but luckily, the game developers changed their minds and added it to the dictionary. Many devotees of Scrabble were upset about these two particular word inclusions to the game, but the developers of Words With Friends went ahead and added it to their word list anyway. This was just one example of the many additions and deletions to the Words With Friends word list. Certain slang or modern words, such as the word WIFI, are found in ENABLE but not in other official Scrabble word lists. Many offensive words have been removed from the ENABLE dictionary, but are still included in other official word game dictionaries. These various inclusions and exclusions of words from different word game dictionaries is something you should always keep in mind when playing your favorite word game. Especially if you are a beginner and may be in doubt as to which word is valid or not, it is probably a good idea to play with this cheat to learn which words are permissible during your next game. At the same time, you can also learn the meanings of the words you are using instead of remaining clueless as to what the definition might be. This cheat finder provides you with the most updated Words With Friends word list so you do not have to worry whether or not your chosen words are acceptable or not. When you enter your letters in the search box and use a ? for any blank tiles that you may have, this helpful cheat will find the winning answers each and every time, whether it is a word bingo or another shorter word that is simply worth more points than a word bingo. You can choose the best word fit for your game from the results.


  1. In the RACK box, enter your letters to find the best possible word by clicking on SEARCH.  Use a question mark to designate a blank tile.
  2. If you want to use a specific beginning or ending for a word by using existing letters on the board, enter the letter or set of letters that your word must begin or end with in the PREFIX or SUFFIX box accordingly..
  3. Select SCORE to filter results by maximum point value, or select LENGTH to filter results by the number of letters in a word.